Adding to your email “Allow List” to prevent emails being blocked or ending up in Spam folders

  • Updated

Sometimes students or advisors are not able to receive emailed invitations or notifications from DecidED because their organization blocks emails from senders that aren’t on their Allow List. See our instructions below for asking your IT administrator to add “” to their allow list, so that emails inviting students, validating their accounts, or notifying them of updated costs, financial aid or messages from their advisor pass through.

    • For organizations using Google Mail or G suite: Add DecidED to your Approved Senders List
      • An approved senders list is a list of trusted users that can send emails to your organization. Add “” to your address list of approved senders so messages from DecidED can bypass Gmail’s spam filters. You can add the individual email address “” or add the entire “” domain. For more information, see the section titled “Add a list of approved senders that bypass spam filters” in this article: Customize spam filter settings in Google Workspace.
    • For individual Gmail users:
      • If you’re not seeing messages from DecidED, check your Spam folder in Gmail. If you mark an email from DecidED as “not spam” Gmail should start sending our messages to your inbox.
    • For organizations using Outlook: Add DecidED to your Tenant Allow List
      • The Tenant Allow/Block List in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal gives organizations a way to manually override the Microsoft 365 filtering verdicts that may send important messages to spam or block them. 
      • To add and remove values from the Tenant Allow/Block List, you need to be a member of one of the following Microsoft 365 role groups:
  • Organization Management or Security Administrator role group (Security admin role)
  • Security Operator role group (Tenant AllowBlockList Manager).
  • Read this article for further instructions on how to allow or block email in Microsoft 365 using the Tenant Allow/Block List.
  • For an Individual Outlook user:
    • Email addresses and domain names in the Safe Senders List are never treated as junk email, regardless of the content of the message. You can add your Contacts and other correspondents to the Safe Senders list to confirm you'll always receive their messages in your inbox.
    • To add people to your Safe Senders List, do the following:
      • On the Home tab, click Junk, and then click Junk E-mail Options.
      • On the Safe Senders tab, check the Automatically add people or e-mail to the Safe Senders List box.

Read this Microsoft support article for more details.

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