What information DecidED takes (or doesn’t take) from a letter

  • Updated

When you upload your letter to DecidED, we only pull the cost and award information that we feel is most important to you. We also never pull any personally identifiable information such as names, emails, addresses or anything else that is not directly related to the college costs or financial aid. That means we look for:

    • Grants - including federal, state or, institutional (school) grants*
    • Scholarships
    • Loan and work study information if specified in the letter. We don’t currently share that information in your DecidED dashboard because we are only displaying the guaranteed free money you have been offered.
    • We also look to see if there are any updated costs in the letter, however, we do not update the cost information in DecidED unless we see a certain number of letters that confirm the new cost.
    • *Note that we do not display college health insurance grants, as those fees are not included in the estimated tuition and fees on DecidED.

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