Uploading batches of letters

  • Updated

From the “Upload” tab, you can submit letters to be translated by the DecidED API in two ways. You can click the upload button and select one or more files from your computer; or, you can drag and drop files into the upload box. 

  • The DecidED API supports JPEGs, JPGs, PNGs, PDFs, HEICs or ZIP files. 
  • Each file should be no larger than 5MB. 
  • There is no limit to the number of files or jobs that each user can request from the API. However, if there are a large number of files that require manual review or are invalid file formats, the results may take longer.

Enter a name in the “Job Name” field if you want a custom name for each job. This makes it easier to sort and review job results.

Once you add all of the award image files you want reviewed, click the “Start” button at the bottom of the screen. 

  • You can see the upload results in real time from within the “Upload” screen, including any file errors. 
  • Clicking on the “Jobs” tab or the “Got to Job” button at the bottom of the screen will take you to the downloadable results.

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